How to recognize a toxic relationship? Check these signs to get aware!
Controlling behavior - your partner tries to control your every move, from what you wear to who you talk to.
Gaslighting - they manipulate you into doubting your own memories, emotions, and experiences.
Constant criticism - your partner is constantly criticizing you, making you feel inadequate and unsure of yourself.
Emotional blackmail - they use your emotions against you, threatening to harm themselves or others if you don’t comply with their demands.
Isolation - they try to keep you away from friends and family, making it harder for you to get support.
Jealousy - they are excessively jealous and possessive, accusing you of cheating and acting overly controlling.
Physical violence - any form of physical violence, from pushing and shoving to hitting and slapping, is a major red flag.
Verbal abuse - they constantly belittle, insult, and shout at you, causing emotional harm.
Blame-shifting - they never take responsibility for their actions and instead blame you for everything that goes wrong.
Lack of boundaries - they invade your personal space, constantly check up on you, and don’t respect your boundaries.
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