Introverts feel that their energy is being drained when they enter a social gathering.
Spending time with people makes you feel energized
When you and your friends plan a party, is it you who wishes to host it every time? Or do you like to host gatherings in general?
You like to be the host of gatherings
Do you talk to a lot of people on your social media platforms? Are your Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp all full of notifications and that make you feel good?
A good amount of social media Interactions
An individual with an extroverted personality, won’t mind sharing their emotions with their friend or anyone they trust.
Not hesitant in Sharing What they feel
As much as an extrovert is open about their feelings with the people they trust, others also most often go with the flow and reflect the same for them.
An Approachable and Open Personality
In a situation of work where an introvert will look for an individual project, introverts will always look for a project where they can work with people, and where they can interact and socialize.
Prefers Working In Groups
In a situation where you feel like sharing your thoughts with your friend about something, would you prefer texting/writing or rather talking to the person.
Prefers Communicating by Talking
Extroverts tend to make friends anywhere they go. They indulge in talks and make the other person feel comfortable by showing several gestures expressing that they are comfortable with them.