Philips and Augmented Reality: Revolutionizing Image-Guided Minimally Invasive Therapies

Philips’ unique augmented reality concept for image-guided minimally invasive therapies developed with Microsoft

In the rapidly evolving world of medical technology, Philips has consistently stood out as a beacon of innovation. Their recent unveiling of an augmented reality concept for image-guided minimally invasive therapies is a testament to their commitment to pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in healthcare.

The Pioneering Collaboration with Microsoft

At the renowned MWC Barcelona 2019, Philips, a global frontrunner in health technology, introduced a groundbreaking mixed reality concept. This was achieved in collaboration with tech giant Microsoft Corp. The aim? To envision the operating room of the future.

Philips and Augmented Reality: Revolutionizing Image-Guided Minimally Invasive Therapies
Philips and Microsoft have partnered to develop an augmented reality system to help improve workflow and procedural navigation in the cath lab. Physicians wearing visors can view and interact with true 3-D holograms above the patient on the table and manipulate the image with voice and hand motion commands to avoid breaking the sterile field. (src: dicardiology)

This concept is built upon the cutting-edge technologies of Philips’ Azurion image-guided therapy platform and Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 holographic computing platform. Together, they are set to showcase innovative augmented reality applications tailored for image-guided minimally invasive therapies.

The Essence of Minimally Invasive Therapies

Unlike traditional open surgeries, minimally invasive therapies require only a small incision. Specialized instruments, such as catheters, are introduced through this incision and navigated to the treatment site. This could be the heart, blood vessels, brain, liver, or other vital organs.

However, during these procedures, physicians don’t have the luxury of directly visualizing the treatment area. They rely heavily on state-of-the-art medical imaging technologies, including ultra-low dose X-ray imaging and ultrasound. These technologies, combined with other navigation systems, provide insights into the patient’s internal structures, guiding the physician’s actions.

Augmented Reality: A Game Changer in Medical Imaging

The collaboration between Philips and Microsoft aims to elevate the current imaging standards. Their augmented reality concept, designed for HoloLens 2, integrates live imaging and other crucial data sources. These are currently displayed on 2D screens. The new approach projects this data into a 3D holographic augmented reality environment, offering an ergonomic, intuitive, and immersive experience for the physician.

This augmented reality environment is not just about visualization. It offers interactive control, allowing physicians to manipulate the environment using voice recognition, eye tracking, and advanced gestures. This ensures that the physician’s focus remains undivided, centered solely on the patient.

The Future of Augmented Reality in Healthcare

The collaboration between Philips and Microsoft is not an isolated endeavor. It’s a glimpse into the future of healthcare, where augmented reality will play a pivotal role. As Dr. Atul Gupta, Chief Medical Officer for Image Guided Therapy at Philips, aptly puts it, this concept allows physicians to superimpose the real world with live data and 3D medical imagery. It’s about precision, control, and enhanced patient care.

Moreover, Microsoft’s HoloLens 2, unveiled in February 2019, is a testament to the potential of mixed reality in various industries, especially healthcare. It offers an immersive experience, bridging the gap between the digital and physical realms.

Philips’ Commitment to Innovation

Philips’ endeavors in augmented reality are just the tip of the iceberg. Their Azurion platform, launched in February 2017, has already impacted over half a million patients across 80 countries. This platform, powered by Philips’ proprietary ConnectOS, integrates a plethora of data sources, offering an intuitive user experience.

Furthermore, Philips is actively developing augmented reality solutions for spine, cranial, and trauma procedures. Their annual R&D investment of approximately EUR 1.8 billion underscores their dedication to innovation, especially in software, adaptive intelligence, and data science.

Wrapping Up

Philips’ augmented reality concept, developed in collaboration with Microsoft, is set to redefine the standards of image-guided minimally invasive therapies. It’s a testament to the power of technology and innovation in enhancing patient care and outcomes.

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