Cancer : Types, Causes & Stages You Need To Be Aware About

Types and Causes of Cancer

Types, Causes & Stages of Cancer You Need To Be Aware About

The term “cancer” is broad. It explains the illness that develops as a result of unchecked cell growth and division brought on by cellular alterations. While certain cancer types cause cells to grow and divide more slowly than others, some cancer types promote fast cell growth. Other certain cancers, like leukemia, may not cause visible growths known as tumours, others, like carcinoma, do.

Is Cancer Genetic?

The onset of cancer may be influenced by genetic factors. The genetic coding in a person determines when their cells will divide and die. Proteins carry many of the commands for cellular growth and division, and genes can also affect how proteins are produced by the cells. 

Certain genes alter the proteins that would typically mend harmed cells. This might result in cancer. The changed instructions could be passed on to a child if a parent carries these genes. Some genetic alterations take place after birth, and risks might be increased by things like smoking and sun exposure. 

Other alterations that can lead to cancer occur in the chemical signals that control how the body uses, or “expresses,” particular genes. Finally, a propensity to a certain type of cancer might be inherited. This can be characterized as having a hereditary cancer syndrome by a doctor. 5-10 percent Of the total cancer cases are largely the result of inherited genetic mutations.

Causes of Cancer

As inferred from above, a propensity to a certain type of cancer might be inherited. This can be characterized as having a hereditary cancer syndrome by a doctor. 5-10 percent Of the total cancer cases are largely the result of inherited genetic mutations.

Risk Factors

Anything that could raise a person’s risk of contracting an illness is a risk factor. Although a risk factor doesn’t always lead to the disease, it can weaken the body’s defences. According to theories, the following risk factors and mechanisms could cause cancer: 

  • Environmental Exposures

For a direct connection to childhood malignancies, research has been done on pesticides, fertilisers, and electrical lines. There is evidence that unrelated youngsters in particular neighbourhoods and/or cities are developing cancer. It is unknown if exposure to these substances during pregnancy or as a newborn causes cancer or if it is just a coincidence.

  • Genetic Disorder

The immune system is a sophisticated system that guards against sickness and infection in our bodies. Cells that eventually develop and serve as an element of the immune system are created in the bone marrow. According to one idea, the stem cells in the bone marrow have flaws or defects that cause them to produce cancerous or aberrant cells when they divide to make more of them. The stem cell deficiency may have been brought on by an inherited genetic flaw, exposure to a toxin or virus, or both.

  • Lifestyle factors

Various lifestyle choices that may increase your risk of developing some adult malignancies include smoking, eating a lot of fat, and working with hazardous chemicals. However, most cancer patients are too young to have had any extended exposure to these lifestyle risks. 

  • Radiation Exposure

Your chance of developing skin cancer is dramatically increased by solar ultraviolet radiation. Over-radiation therapy exposure is also a danger factor.

Types of  Cancer

Atypical cell development is a feature of more than a hundred different forms of cancer. Here are a few cancer kinds to consider: 


It is the most prevalent type of cancer that impacts epithelial cells, which line the skin and internal organs. Some of its frequent manifestations include ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and skin cancer.


These cancerous cells grow in soft tissues, including fatty tissues, cartilage, blood vessels, lymphatic tissues, and various tendons and ligaments supporting tissues. 


Leukaemia, often known as blood cancer, damages the bone marrow tissues, which are in charge of producing blood. One of the deadly types of cancer, it. Comparing leukaemia to other cancers is entirely inappropriate. White blood cell production that is out of control is the root cause. These aberrant white blood cells crowd out the healthy blood cells and harm the bone marrow’s tissues. As a result, the leukaemia patient is unable to produce enough platelets for blood clotting, enough normal white blood cells to combat infections, or enough red blood cells to carry oxygen.


A type of cancer known as lymphoma affects the immune system’s lymphocytes in the lymph nodes.


Melanin, the pigment responsible for skin colour, is the target of this particular type of skin cancer. The melanocytes are harmed in this type of cancer, which leads to the aberrant production of melanin. Other pigmented tissues, such as the eyes, may also be impacted. 


The plasma cells are a different area of the immune system that myeloma attacks. Multiple bone tumours are created by the dividing myeloma cells, which are afflicted plasma cells, in the bone marrow.

CNS Cancers

The brain and spinal cord are the primary sites of origin for CNS (Central Nervous System) malignancies. 

Stages of Cancer 

Four phases are typical for malignancies. The size and location of the tumour are two of the many variables that affect the stage: 

  • Stage I: Cancer has not progressed to the lymph nodes or other tissues and is contained in a small location. 
  • Stage II: Cancer has expanded but not spread. 
  • Stage III: Cancer has gotten bigger and might have gotten into other tissues, like lymph nodes. 
  • Stage IV: Cancer has spread to further organs or body parts. Additionally known as metastatic or advanced cancer, this stage.


In the previous few decades, medical research has made enormous strides and discovered treatments for the majority of cancer types. The type and stage of cancer determine the course of treatment. Surgery, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and radiation therapy are a few of the frequent treatments.

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