Do you realize that the time that you are living in is exactly the same as every other individual? The person standing right next to you, or living miles away from you, be it a rich and wealthy guy, or maybe a poor beggar, a guy who is highly engrossed in working for their future, or a guy who is chilling and partying most of the time, every individual here has the exact same time.
Now the question that arises here is, how do you utilize that time? If you are not managing that time well, or maybe not as well as others, you might feel less worthy, or there can be a feeling of being left being. There can be several ways in which you can manage your time and keep your things right and efficient in the best possible way. They are as follows-
Table of Contents
ToggleObserve your time for 7 days straight
From Monday to Sunday, you need to note down what you are doing each day and how you are spending your time. From waking up in the morning to going to bed, note how you are spending every second of your day. Either in a notebook or maybe in “notes” on your phone.
We do this to understand and analyze where we are spending our time so that we can further manage it in the right way.
Devote morning time to the MITs
Mornings can be highly efficient, and they bring out the best and most productive person in you. So you should complete your “most important tasks” in the morning. If you are supposed to do two tasks and one is difficult as compared to the other one, the smart move will be to do the difficult one in the morning.
You need to catch the bigger fish in the morning so that you can spend the entire day with ease, no pressure, and at peace.
Inculcate keystone habits
What are the keystone habits? The habits that form the basis of all your productive habits and also help in eliminating the bad and non-productive habits are called your keystone habits. Let us look into our schedules and try to understand what keeps us going and what is the part of the day that pushes me to do the good parts of my day.
Once you identify your keystone habits, try and increase the duration of those and you will get splendid results in the management of your time.
Stop working Continuously
A recent study has shown that when a person is working for 57 mins he/should take a break for the next 17 minutes, as a person might not be very productive after 57 minutes of continuous work. There is a possibility that you might not have the luxury of doing so.
So if not to the extent of a break after almost every hour, let us try and give our minds enough space to work peacefully without any mental or physical health breakdowns. Take sufficient breaks and stop walking on flames.
Turn of Social Media Applications’ Notifications
One can be easily distracted by that one “ping” even when you are in a highly productive mood. In many cases, social media can be a huge distraction and even an addition. You might not even realize how badly you have the urge to check your phone every minute until and unless you try to keep it away from yourself.
Look for inspiration whenever you lose faith
There can be times when you just want to stop or maybe take a break from everything you are putting your effort into. What to do then? Nothing fancy just opens YouTube, watch Ted Talks, maybe some motivational or inspirational videos, or anything related to your end goal.
Now that you have reached here with the thought of managing your time effectively and efficiently, hold on to your motivations. The reason why you wish to work hard might not be as valid to others as it is to you. Get yourself a mentor who can guide you on every step. Because without a mentor, you might be just standing in the dark in front of a path, and the mentor can be a light so that you walk on the right path.
Take help from others if necessary, just make sure that help doesn’t turn into a dependency. Never rely on anybody else’s effort for your work. Stay away from social media, turn notifications off, give yourself space and work in the hours where you feel most relaxed and productive. Most importantly, be yourself, Love yourself!