
The Linux Foundation is working hard to create its open-source Metaverse

The Linux Foundation is working hard to create its open-source Metaverse

The Linux Foundation is working hard to create its open-source Metaverse

According to the Linux Foundation, if businesses, developers, and entrepreneurs collaborate to accomplish common objectives, an open-source metaverse might be “as powerful as the World Wide Web.”

To focus on various themes, the OMF is organized into several organizations known as Key Interest Groups. These cover subjects including payments, simulations and virtual worlds, networking, privacy, and security, as well as policy and regulation.

OpenSDV, The ChainHub Foundation, as well as Veriken are just a few of the organizations and members of the open-source community who have joined forces to establish the foundation, and each one contributes a wealth of knowledge.

Foundation for the Open Metaverse

OMF Executive Chairman Royal O’Brien stated in a statement that “we are at early stages of the concept for an interactive metaverse, and we acknowledge that many free software communities, as well as foundations, have been working on key parts of this iterative jigsaw.”

The Linux Foundation is working hard to create its open-source Metaverse
The Linux Foundation is working hard to create its open-source Metaverse

In his blog post, O’Brien says, “It is evident that cooperation & solidarity are what we need to assure security as well as stability in an online environment that has been mostly unexplored to this day.” “As the roots for an open-source virtual world are poised to be constructed,” The building blocks for the new Metaverse idea, which include digital assets, security, privacy, networking, simulations, artificial intelligence, transactions, and legal considerations, will be discussed, determined, and created by all of us.

Additionally, the Linux Foundation is a comprehensive framework created to harmonize technology, such as the newly unveiled OpenWallet Foundation, which is designed to address the lack of connectivity between digital wallets. It also serves as a neutral place for developers to exchange code as well as collaborate on innovative ideas. It has a list of projects.


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