
Being a Man How Do You Make Women Feel Empowered

Being a Man How Do You Make Women Feel Empowered

Are you a man who is empowering women? Well, there are a few signs to see if you are one of those people who believe in complete equality, not just by your words but also by your actions!

You might come across people who would appreciate women for doing phenomenally in several fields, be it sports or the corporate world and on the other hand, would pass a shallow comment like “Oh she must be a woman, look how bad she drove by me”. People might not even realize such a huge stereotype threat they set for the agency and make women question their skills or themselves in general by such small comments. 

How do you make women feel empowered? Well, there are A few signs that show if you as a man truly empower women or not. These signs are as follows- 

You Understand that Women have Different Needs 

You might think that on the one hand, we say “men and women are equal” on the other hand we say “men and women have different needs”, why is that so? This is very obvious to state that women and men are built differently, that doesn’t question any gender for their potential. 

Physically the needs of a woman are not as same as a man. We tend to misread this and start treating them the same way. For example, when a woman is suffering from her periods, she is not allowed to take leave from her job. Leave alone the corporate world, in so many places women cannot even openly speak about periods at their houses around the male members of the place. Is this how we are empowering our women? 

As a man, you need to make sure that your mother, sister, wife, daughter and even your female friends are comfortable enough around you to share whatever they feel, especially if there is physical pain. If a woman around you is having mood swings because of their cycle, don’t get agitated or make them feel invalidated, or don’t use statements like “every lady goes through this, what’s the big deal?” Try to understand her. 

If she will feel understood in her house, her needs will be respectfully dealt with, then only she will ever be empowered in the outer world and will be able to speak up for herself without any hesitation. 

Well Treated Women are Empowered 

Make sure you make your women feel comfortable in the way they are. No one should feel the need to change themselves for anybody else, be it a man or woman. Teach people around you to treat women with respect, not just respect them but make them feel respected. Respecting someone and making someone feel respected are two different things. 

Stop teaching girls or women the way they should walk, talk or sit, rather teach your boys or men to appreciate the human inner self of a woman, and not judge them by the way their outer self is depicted. 

Being kind itself can play a huge role. In our male-dominated society, women are simply looked upon as weaker sections of society. This thought process needs to change, and this can be done only when we teach our sons to make women feel empowered and think of equality. 

Build the Feminist thought With proud 

Let’s clear a major myth here, being a feminist DOES NOT mean who fights for the right of a woman, rather it means who is in favour of equal rights for all genders (let’s not forget there are more than just two genders). 

This misconception that feminists support females stop a lot of people to call themselves “Feminist”. Never hesitate to stand up for equal opportunities irrespective of your gender. A man who supports the empowerment of women will always make sure that he himself is always in favour of correct concepts, and completely equal opportunities for all genders. Make sure that be it societal or structural disciplines, everybody is a proud feminist. 


Be a man who empowers women! Grow a son who sees women as different but equal individuals. In a patriarchal society like ours, even when we try to behave in a way that makes women feel comfortable, someone will start questioning us. 

Making fun of someone or passing faint comments does not make you look cool, it might even pass trauma to the receiver. 

Make sure you are kind to everyone. A Woman might require a little more attention towards their needs rather than a man in your life. Let’s be patient and hear them peacefully because she might be fighting several battles every day that is beyond acceptable. 

For instance, a good number of women have been groped in a crowded metro coach, which is not a normal situation to face. It can be traumatizing, and travelling in a public convenience is everybody’s right, people should feel safe. MAKE them feel safe. 

A woman simply walking on the road has to undergo so many stares, that’s not how our women will feel empowered. Be the person around whom a lady/girl is completely comfortable, can sit the way she wants to, can walk the way she feels comfortable, and can talk in a way that she likes. That is how we empower women. 

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